Arsip: Prestasi

Calya Anara Wijaya From grade 5 , achieved Gold Medal at Young Artist Music Festival Competition from Malaysian Youth Orchestra Organization 2023

Alhamdulillah, congratulations for the excellent achievement from our student, Calya Anara Wijaya From grade 5 , achieved Gold Medal at Young Artist Music Festival Competition from Malaysian Youth Orchestra Organization..

Dwi Matra Traditional Dance Team as First and third winner and overall champion in Traditional Creative Dance Competition at Suku Dinas Kebudayaan Jakarta Timur .

Alhamdulillah, We are proudly announce another great achievement from our students Dwi Matra Traditional Dance Team as First and third winner and overall champion in Traditional Creative Dance Competition at..

They achieved winner at International Applied Science Competition 2023

Alhamdulillah, congratulations for the excellent achievement from our students They achieved winner at International Applied Science Competition 2023 Congratulations, champions.! May Allah SWT bless you with more success. Aamiin YRA..

Dwi Matra Traditional Dance Team They achieved First winner at LASER 2023

Alhamdulillah, congratulations for the excellent achievement from our students Dwi Matra Traditional Dance Team They achieved First winner at LASER 2023 (Labschool Art Sport Education and Religion), SMP LabSchool –..

Sachi Arifinada Verdy grade 5 , achieved 3rd place at Jakarta Open inline speed Competition.

Alhamdulillah, congratulations for the excellent achievement from our student, Sachi Arifinada Verdy grade 5 , achieved 3rd place at Jakarta Open inline speed Competition. from dispora dki jakarta Congratulations, champion!..

Saqeena Herdianda achieved Silver and Bronze medal for English & Science at Prestige Institute Competition 2022

Alhamdulillah, congratulations for the excellent achievement from our student, Saqeena Herdianda achieved Silver and Bronze medal for English & Science at Prestige Institute Competition 2022 Congratulations, champion! May Allah SWT..

Kevin Zander achieved Bronze medal at Kuluna Basketball Cup Competition 2022

Alhamdulillah, congratulations for the excellent achievement from our student, Kevin Zander achieved Bronze medal at Kuluna Basketball Cup Competition 2022 Congratulations, champion! May Allah SWT bless you with more success...

Caskara Nezkiant Rafif achieved Gold and Silver Award at NMO mini basketball tournament KU 8&9 mix & Yes Streetball 2on2 Competition 2022

Alhamdulillah, congratulations for the excellent achievement from our student, Caskara Nezkiant Rafif achieved Gold and Silver Award at NMO mini basketball tournament KU 8&9 mix & Yes Streetball 2on2 Competition..

Nadif Arkananta Abimanyu achieved Bronze Award at Indonesia Science Olympiad 2022

Alhamdulillah, congratulations for the excellent achievement from our student, Nadif Arkananta Abimanyu achieved Bronze Award at Indonesia Science Olympiad 2022 Congratulations, champion! May Allah SWT bless you with more success...

Kaelan Atharizz achieved Third Award at NMO Mini basketball tournament KU 8 Mix 2022

Alhamdulillah, congratulations for the excellent achievement from our student, Kaelan Atharizz achieved Third Award at NMO Mini basketball tournament KU 8 Mix 2022 Congratulations, champion! May Allah SWT bless you..

SD Islam Dwi Matra Choir Achieved First and Third Award at DKI Jakarta Appreciation & Art Competition for Students 2022

Alhamdulillah, Congratulations for the excellent achievement from SD Islam Dwi Matra Choir Achieved First and Third Award at DKI Jakarta Appreciation & Art Competition for Students 2022 Congratulations, champion! May..

Naila Nafia Razif achieved Gold Award at Bambi Game Invitational Meet 2022 from Thai Canadian Community Sports.

Alhamdulillah, Congratulations for the excellent achievement from our student, Naila Nafia Razif achieved Gold Award at Bambi Game Invitational Meet 2022 from Thai Canadian Community Sports. Congratulations, champion! May Allah..


Dwi Matra berarti dua matra atau dua dimensi, Dunia dan Akherat. Pesan yang ingin disampaikan para pendiri SD Islam Dwi Matra, bahwa kelak SD Islam Dwi Matra dapat mencetak generasi-generasi yang sukses Dunia dan Akherat. Oleh karena nya bukan hanya tujuan keberhasilan di dunia yang diutamakan namun juga tujuan keberhasilan di akherat sebagai tujuan akhir kehdiupan. Siswa diberikan bekal akademik dan bekal pendidikan agama Islam yang sesuai dengan ajaran Nabi Muhammad SAW berdasarkan Alquran dan Hadist.



    SD Islam Dwi Matra

Jl. MPR III No. 30 A, Cilandak Barat, Kec Cilandak, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Prov D.K.I. Jakarta